My first near death experience as a nine-year old child taught me the urgency with which one should live life. Mindfully recognizing the precious gift in each moment we breathe to express joy, overflow with love and commit to our own evolution. I have dedicated my life to appreciate ALL LIFE and express that appreciation through giving back and cultivating awareness. It is through education we gain insight and through opportunity we grow. I am committed to giving back so that others may become more of who they truly are.
I am deeply humbled to serve with the following organizations, align with their mission and effectuate positive change through the Spirit Awakening of incarcerated youth to leaving no child without Access to play.
The greatest meaning in my life I have found through giving back.
“It is hard to put Stephani Victor into words. Perhaps a novel, but a sentence, even a paragraph makes it hard to capture the essence of her tremendous strength and dignity. To say she is inspiring does not begin to speak of her spirit, her resilience and her insatiable tenacity. Her honesty grabs you from the deepest part of your soul and sets a fire inside that is utterly contagious, leaving crowds of people confident that they can achieve whatever it is they are willing to work hard for. Whether she is speaking to five or five thousand, each person walks away knowing she was talking directly to them. That connection ignites an inner strength that is unstoppable. What Stephani has achieved is monumental. How she lives is a testament to a breathtaking courage and will.”
-Nancy Gale – Founder & Designer, JAMAH; Founder, AMBITION
“It was a world championship season leading up to Sochi and Stephani was committed to giving her time to connect with her students across the country multiple times per month via video and Skype. She took them with her around the world and included them in her training and racing schedule while focusing on Classroom Champions themes that saw increases in student goal setting ability, perseverance, and leadership.”
– Steve Mesler, Co-Founder, President & CEO, Classroom Champions

“There are many deserving and inspiring athletes in the world and I would dare to place Stephani Victor at the pinnacle of that list. I have personally witnessed the seemingly insurmountable life experiences that have been presented to this extraordinary woman and have seen her not simply overcome them but rather conquer them and rise to unimaginable new heights than ever before. She’s knocked down, but never, ever out! Her indomitable spirit is awe inspiring and she has taken that spirit and shared it with the world through her volunteer efforts, as well as through her day to day living. Stephani lives by a code of excellence and it is evident in all walks of her life.”
-Tiffany Harris/Co-Founder, CEO Shane’s Inspiration
“You touched the very hearts and minds of not only the graduating teens in our program but their parents and guardians as well. Your keynote address was powerful and very moving; you had each one of us riveted to our seats, hanging on to your every word.”
“Your life is clearly a beacon of light and inspiration, and that you would choose to share your personal experiences in such a way that it empowers others to go beyond their own limitations and fears is quite extraordinary. You touched our teens and young adults in a way that few adults do- and they very willingly let you into their hearts as not only one from whom they could learn, but as a trusting friend; and for that, I am most deeply, deeply grateful.”
-Akuyoe Graham, Founder/CEO, Spirit Awakening
“Stephani’s achievements on the slopes were made possible because she is an unbelievably resilient and strong woman who at each turn has overcome extreme adversity. She has used this strength to help others off the slopes.
As part of her work for the Chaffin Luhana Foundation, Stephani talks to victims of tragic accidents, inspires and motivates them to recover from their injuries and lead productive lives. This work is humbling, often tearful and emotionally exhausting for all involved. How Stephani is able to live through her own circumstances and also help others is a question I have often asked myself. She has a unique way of genuinely listening and connecting with people to inspire them to move forward productively and positively with life. This is an unparalleled trait I do not see in most people, despite having lived through and deal with many tragedies as a former prosecutor in NYC, including working with victims of the 9/11 attacks.”
-Eric T. Chaffin – Founding Partner of Chaffin Luhana